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Blogs from September, 2019

What Is an Attractive Nuisance?


Does your neighbor have a particularly enticing pool in their backyard, one that your kids would gladly hop any fence to experience? Then you may have already encountered the concept of an “attractive nuisance” without realizing it. In premises liability law, “attractive nuisances” are objects or landscape features that create liability risks for their homeowners, by appealing to impulsive young children or teenagers.

If your child is hurt because of a negligent or careless property owner, you can take legal action and hold them accountable with a premises liability claim. Children are not able to make the same rational decisions as adults, and if they are permanently injured because of a property owner’s negligence, you may be entitled to compensation for their injuries.

Pursuing an Attractive Nuisance Claim

While the concept of an attractive nuisance may seem incredibly broad, the truth is that courts are very selective about which items make a property owner liable. However, the law already recognizes that some dangerous objects are enticing to children or teenagers, which is why homeowners are required to install appropriate fences and covers for their swimming pools and fountains and to post clear signs about dangerous animals.

Here are some of the most common attractive nuisances that you may encounter:

  • Swimming pools, and patios
  • Tunnels, wells, and caverns
  • Dangerous lawn machinery
  • Dogs and other animals
  • Fountains and streams
  • Accessible rooftop spaces
  • Fireworks and explosives

The Womac Law Firm has over 30 years of experience in helping to bring a just result for our clients. As personal injury attorneys serving clients throughout New Orleans, we’ve gained a reputation for helping people injured in all kinds of accidents. We are happy to discuss your case with a free consultation. Call 486-9999 today or contact us online for more information!

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